Never ignore a person who loves you, cares for you, and misses you. Because one day you might wake up from your sleep and realize that you lost the moon while counting the stars.~Unknown

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Fight Like a Girl..

Earlier in the week I was driving behind a vehicle with the words "Fight like a girl" and a breast cancer symbol across the back window.  For some reason, the words have played in my mind all week.  I questioned what it actually meant to 'fight like a girl.'

For me to 'fight like a girl' means to fight with heart...not just any heart but the right heart.  A heart that is tender, hopeful, forgiving, accepting and most importantly, a heart that that loves unconditionally.  Far too often, as life has handed me challenges and disappointments my initial response has been to just fight; to come up swinging against the hurt and fear and to doubt any purpose that might be tucked into the experience as well as the people that came with it. In the end, I simply gave up and dismissed my hopes and dreams. I was in the middle of such a fight when cancer knocked at my door.  I had lost touch with the things that were unique to me as a 'girl.'  I lost touch with my own heart and its desire to nurture, to love, to give, and most importantly, to hope.  Cancer connected me back to my heart and as a result (and as my cute dad always says to me)..."my Cyndibug" is back. 

So often when life takes a turn down a path barren of  any road signs that would indicate fairness, we forget the very qualities that will lead us to understanding.  As 'girls,' we forget the power and strength in an approach from a gentle and nurturing heart. We forget the longings in our hearts to be loved, to be protected, and ultimately to love.  And we fight from the woundedness that drove us away from those, greatest strengths.  And the 'boys' in our lives forget the strengths that move them towards being the kindly warrior, the knight in shining armor, and the one whose hands in which we entrust the holding of our heart.

So now when I think of 'fighting like a girl' I think of the wishes and desires of my own heart which is the desire to react to life from the uniqueness of a 'girls' heart irrespective of the path I may be on.  To hold tight to hope, to appreciate the longings of my heart to love and be loved, and to approach life with the tenderness from which my own life originated. 

                      FIGHT LIKE A GIRL
Gratitude and love always...


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