Never ignore a person who loves you, cares for you, and misses you. Because one day you might wake up from your sleep and realize that you lost the moon while counting the stars.~Unknown

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Final Radiation!

On July 14, 2011 I completed my radiation tx and recieved the good news that my cancer is in remission.  Following my examination with my Radiation Oncologist Dr. Leslye Engersol, I asked her if this meant I was cancer free. Her reply was that no, my cancer was in remission.  Being the persistent person I am, I then questioned at which point would I be considered 'cancer free' to which she replied.."when you are dead."  So, I will hold with gratitude the fact that after a long winter, my cancer is in remission.

I have thought so much about the valuable life lessons that I have learned as I have taken this unexpected and certainly uninvited journey.  As I reflect on the changes that have occurred in my heart, I can only express gratitude and humility for this experience.  In my upcoming posts (which I will be more faithful at making) I hope to share the many reflections of gratitude and hope that have been my companions this long, difficult winter season.

For now, I share that truly, summer has once again arrived and at its arrival has replaced vibrant colors of life and living with those once darkened days of winter.  No longer do I greet the day with trepidation and uncertainity.  No longer do I force time to fly within my mind to escape the darkness.  Instead, I wake with a heart full of gratitude and an increased awareness of the good in my life and the love that has sustained me through the many seasons of my life.  So I share with each of you my love for life, for love, for time, and for every day that I am given to make something more of my life and hopefully, bless the lives of others as I have been so richly bless.  And I share a heartful of gratitude for each of you my friends and family who have walked beside me each step of the way, giving me courage and strength when I lacked the ability to reach deep inside myself enough to find my own.
